Cluck You Very Much
Blended – Growth, Co-op and Indy competition
Adults only! Lvl18+, NO SOLOS NEEDED! Dedicated TEAM PLAYERS, 2-3 hrs a day! 2 goats per cow & 2-3 apples.
Participate, Communicate, and Donate! Play hard, have fun, cluck the rest!
Welcome, and Cluck You Very Much! We're here to have fun, farm, and play! Please join us on our FB page for more tips, tricks, and info for the co-op. Search, Cluck You Very Much, to find us.
Please, help in runs and communicate! Be a team player! Hold goods for runs, during co-op tourney (schedule below) Please have at least 2 goats per cow, 4 chickens, 2-3 apples and 6 fields by the next Co-op tourney. Donate daily, at least the minimum for co-op funds. Let us know when you’re breaking or leaving for the day. If you have any questions, ASK! That’s what we’re here for. And don't forget to LAUGH!
Bonus trumps reg runs, if open
Corn, Eggs, & Bonus, for the Moo Crew
1. Cake*1 @ 0700 EST (MooCrew)
2. A*1
3. Eggs as Filler
4. Cake*1 (Juckin Team)
5. A*1 (8-10 needed)
6. D*2 @ 0900-30 EST
7. Eggs*1 x4
8. Corn*1 x4
9. D*2 @ 1600 EST
Repeat with D*1 vs D*2
Collaborative – Leaders gather insight and feedback and make a decision
Social Level
The group is like a family. We're very social and share life together
Fast intense projects most of the day
Time Zone(s):
Eastern USA (-5 UTC), Central USA (-6 UTC), Western USA (-8 UTC), Western Europe (+1 UTC)
FB Messnger
Minimum Level
Listing Owner
If you are inrested in joining Cluck You Very Much, please stop by the farm and say hi. Just let us know where you found us ;)