Product Values and Costs
The two best ways to make money are through the market and through the ship. The difference is that the ship doesn't give you materials, and materials are important in this game.
If you can't fill a ship all the way, you are better off to:
Fill it with just items you can't sell through the market AND have in surplus
Send it empty
The prices for the ship are confusing to wrap your head around, but they factor in the price you get for filling each crate and the bonus rewards. The first column with no green lights is just filling a crate and not completing a row. Each green light is a complete row and adds the reward to the item's value.
If you need cash more than materials, fill more ship orders. If you need more market points, fill ship orders. If you need materials, skip the ship.
The ship is designed to look flashy and eat into making feed. If you use it wisely, it can be a great advantage. If you don't think about the impact to your farm, it can be a great detriment.