Update Dec 19th (7:30am)
It will take some time, so check back often.
New Farm Contest rewards structure - 20 stages, plus an additional 20 rewards that run parallel to the free set that you can purchase for $10/tournament.
New Tournament Schedule - Player and Co-op Tournaments are now 3 days long and alternate with no break. (Because the first one was shortened by the update, it will be extended a day)
NEW!! Coo-op Tourney Group play (against other co-ops) starts after Stage 1 instead of Stage 2.
New Composter and Silo Levels
Composter Level 9 -
Composter Level 10 -
Silo Level 9 -
Silo Level 10 -
XP Flowers
Seriously? XP doesn't get you anything beyond opening buildings faster. It won't bring in more income to be able to upgrade said building faster, it won't mature your farm... This is another trick to prey on human nature's desire for stature to buy your way ahead... because you can't earn them anywhere, only buy them... in reality, take 600 loyalty points, but premium cow feed and earn 1800 points... have to feed the cows anyways.
So far they come from tasks or buying them with cash.
XP Flowers - Collecting...
Big Farm tells me they are the same as cabbage, so half of the collecting rate. (I know. They have next to no value.)
Value of XP Flowers
They are useless. They don't do anything for collecting (same as cabbage). Lets compare what they can get you... $20 USD on XP flowers will barely get you from level 49 to 50 with a level 5 field. $20 spent on gold can get you land expansions 25, 26, 27 and 28 OR a level 8 fertile field OR level 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 external barn. Move forward 20 levels (to level 70) and skipping level 49 will mean nothing, the land expansion got you a head start on making mallets, 250 extra barn storage is huge and with you forever or a level 8 fertile field is a crop and nectar beast. (250 wheat with seaweed humus).
New Trader Offers
This is when Maurice shows up with the 10 offers for gold on the left side, usually lasts 1-3 hours per set of offers. Just means they added a few new items to that.
Market Contract Refill Cost
They have reduced the cost to skip a contract refill from 8 gold per min to 3 per min. Skip is 90 gold or less.
Fishing Update Below*
Reports are the reel no longer randomly starts green, so you can no longer "no look" fish.*
Some people can't fish. They know and ask for your patience as they try to fix it.
*No look fishing - "If you tap on your device when the needle is in the green, the fish moves forward. If you miss that green, the fish moves backwards, BUT every time you miss, the fish moves backwards less. After 5 misses, the fish no longer moves backwards. You can actually fish by just tapping the screen. Every hit advances the fish, every miss does nothing after 5. Eventually the fish will make it to the end. You just need to stop tapping to have it finish. When I don't have the focus, I just do a 2 finger tap or 4 finger roll for 15-20 seconds and when I stop, there is a fish ready to sell or fry."
Fishing Update
OK... they "fixed" fishing. What they mean is they removed the "no look" method and made it so you have to play the mini game the way it was intended. The green reel will always start in the bottom half of the screen now, so there is no way to randomly hit it any more. This affects all users.
Some users have now been limited to only being able to only tap the reel in the bottom right of the screen instead of the whole screen. I have not spent the time to figure out if this is device dependent.
Tip - Every tap, your finger makes contact with the screen (hit) and then breaks contact with the screen (lift). The reel registers its position on the "lift" portion. If you tap the screen fast, you have to hit slightly before the green strip hits the needle because the game is looking for the "lift". It is easier to fish by holding you finger on the screen and lifting it off when the green is in the needle then trying to tap fast.
I have the joy of working with the Admins of 9 other groups and below is the message we got: I'm not sure what the second paragraph means. It could be poor translation, but I will seek clarity tomorrow. Bottom line is they did not make it more enjoyable...
For fishing, this is not a bug! ^^
We recently changed the fishing functionality to improve and make it more enjoyable, but it seems to have caused confusion for some players who clicked repeatedly without worrying about the mini-game. (We made sure that the green zone is always at the bottom so you don't have to wait a full turn to be able to click.) When fishing, please make sure that you only click on the green zone when it is above, under the tip of the needle. Clicking while the needle is not in the green zone does not allow you to advance the fish and will even make it move back. This means that if you just click without paying attention to the positioning of the green area and that it begins at the bottom of the reel, the fish will never advance!
We will cancel this change to simplify the process, but please note that you will only be able to catch the fish if you click when the green area is under the top needle and you received not supposed to click without pay attention to the reel! 🙂