Farm machines, cancels and packages, fixed bugs
2 new machines
Tractor - boost farm contest points.
Stackmaster - boosts ship xp points.
These are interesting. If both are running at 10% upgrade levels, the stack master will add 20-30k to your tournament score (level 100+) if you get the perfect ships, or the tractor will make it so you only need 30k to earn the buckets rewards.
What they are doing is slowly lowering the threshold to get buckets in farm contest to get the middle class to compete. People get lost in the competition and end up buying little things to push them over the top. With the possibility to run 3 farm machines for 56 fuel per month, I'm thinking that the new summer packages are going to have fuel in them and we are going to see the tractor package with parts and fuel a lot more.
All farm machines can also be upgraded to level 9 now. Level 8 is 8000 machine parts, level 9 is ? machine parts.
Cancels - this is one that should have been included in the game on day one to be honest. Now, you can cancel anything on your farm.
Just be aware that you will lose the seed/feed/dung/fertilizer/nectar/crops you have put into it and the cost of starting it. Really, if you start an orchard, beehive or silo by mistake (?), just run it. The value here is getting out of wheat prison - when you accidentally plant wheat and have to wait 6 hours for it to finish. Now you lose around $800 to cancel, but you can plant dandy instead. Cancelling a mill will take some thought because you will lose the crops as well as the money.
Summer Packages - these happen every year. There is usually always a themed package running and it highlights the newest game feature and gives you a little more than the regular package. Last year the summer package gave you 10% more buckets and mallets than the building package. Nothing to really get excited about.
Hidden Gems?
This is where there marketing and community relations department fall short. There are usually small things that have either been fixed or improved that they fail to announce.
We have found that there is a re-connection message on chat when it loses connection, so at least we have some insight as to why the chat is blank. Mind you, the screenshot I saw was at 0:00 left, so I don't know if it actually tries to reconnect. Time will tell.
New top 5 deco in Farm Contest. This one is aimed solely at a few people to try and get them to compete hard again for the trophies. It would have been a nice touch if they changed it on the splash screen as well so you can see what you are competing for.
Notifications are reported to be working again!
The cafe daily client shows double points again!
(Why wouldn't you toot your horn that you fixed some bugs?)
If you find any other little gems, let us know.
Also take note that this update did not happen during a co-op tournament.
Happy Farming.
I've noticed 4 new avatars - looks like a couple of cats, a giraffe and something else. I wonder if their partnership with Amazon has been fruitful and if it's going to continue.