Hi Fellow Farmers
Has anyone been able to re-engineer the exact calculation used when hummus is used on fields?
EG, i have a level 6 field, with a wheat library value of +12. So a normal plant would be 95+12.
When i 25% hummus it changes to 98+37, thus giving me 135, which is ever so slightly higher than 25%. Does anyone know how the +37 is being calculated?
Thanks Marc
It's not an intuitive answer. It gives you 25% of the original field output, rounded up, and then adds the library bonus. So it goes from 95 + 12 to 95 + (24+12). Of course, there are some hidden decimal places that throws the math off by one or two every time. Same for co-op projects. The bonus (tractor) only applies to the original project, and not the extra points from being a daily bonus.
Ignore this question, it's late at night for me, brain stopped working......lol