I know but when i have a look on what amount of points each event will give me and than i will have a look on the ranking of the Top players. Than i Count the events in one month (about 12 yet) and multiplie this with the maximum points that it Shows me in the help sign in the tent than ill only come on about 14k points. But they have in the same Time as me ob Er 200k. This makes no sence to me.
How is it possible to recht this numbers with mach and addition of the events in past and Their Max points
@Kai Grasmück, you get points for every 200 market points, so they buy gold and cash to send contracts and buy out of barn to fill contracts to acquire 10-20 million market points during player tournament. Finishing 2 tournaments at 20 million points will give you over 200,000 farm contest points. Then you add weekend collection, where they buy and run rose seeds and seaweed on their fields at get more points. It is the points for your score that sets them apart.
All you need to do is to go to the farm contest and click on ? It will explain where and how you can get your points. I do not understand where you see the other players score you see only yours The purple tent upper left corner
But i did the four star event twice and all other events mostly on place 1 in ranking. I have 13k points right now. There are players with 200k points. How is this possible?!
There are only a certain amount of events to get points and they got 200k points out of what?!
Easy they complete it all then go on next level where they can have more prizes
Did you check the levels of those farms. They are much bigger than yours thus can geneate more points. Coop points count too
All you need to do is to go to the farm contest and click on ? It will explain where and how you can get your points. I do not understand where you see the other players score you see only yours The purple tent upper left corner
Sorry I misread your question. You get the points that are written in the farm contest tent and only the numbers written. Ie you complète a four star évent you get the points for a four star event. No matter what level you are
Yes just press the ? In the farm contest tent it will give you exactly how many points
The higher level you are the more points you can earn. Ie. Level one star event for those who are starting and level 5 star for those whose level is in hundreds and more tournaments work the same. individual or group tournaments Hope this helps. All you can do is get as much points as you can for thé level you are